The State Bank of India Officers’ Association Educational Trust was promoted by the State Bank of India Officers’ Association in the year 1978 to educate and illuminate the next generation through education. The Association [SBIOA Chennai Circle] was formed in 1965 and enjoys the reputation of being the Managerial Class Union in the country. It is the recognized body for negotiations with the Bank Management. It is also a part of All India Bank Officers’ Confederation which has more than 3,20,000 officers from SBI, Public Sector, Private Sector, Regional Banks, Rural Banks and Co-operative Banks.
The State Bank of India Officers’ Association (Chennai Circle) whose motto is “Service Before Self” is a registered Trade Union of S.B.I. Officers working in the State of Tamilnadu and U.T. of Pondicherry. The State Bank of India Officers’ Association Educational Trust was sponsored in the year 1978 by the Association and it started educational institutions for the benefit of Officers’ children and to serve the society. This service is given irrespective of caste, creed or colour.